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Descarga e instala Lineage OS 19 para Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro (Android 12)

Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro (violet) launched in January 2019. The phone came out of the box with Android 9.0 Pie. In this tutorial, we will guide you through installing the latest Lineage OS 19 on the Redmi Note 7 Pro (violet) smartphone. We’ve provided full instructions, downloads and helpful updates in the future.

As we all know, Lineage OS 19.0 is based on Android 12 which is the 12th major release from Google which brings many new features and improvements. One of the biggest changes Android 12 brings to your device is the Material You design language. It aims to improve on-device personalization by allowing users to choose a custom color palette and new widgets.

Android 12 e as súas características

Android 12 is all about improved personalization and a revamped UI that changes the way to bring more dynamic expression and a whole new design element. It is a successor to the last generation Android 11 that was mainly focused on the privacy and security of user data. While the Android 12 focused not only on privacy features but also on visual treatment.

Speaking of the features, it all has new and colorful yet minimal widgets that are now more dynamic than ever before. While the dynamic theme with the wallpapers is more expressive depending on your mood. The notification screen, the lock screen and its notifications, the overview screen, volume controls, shortcut tiles, new power menu, transitions or animations, etc. everything looks and feels great with the ‘Material You’ design.

Meanwhile, the impressive Privacy Dashboard feature, the privacy indicator at the top of the screen is also great. While support for screenshot scrolling, improved notifications and quick reply, on-device search, easy Wi-Fi sharing, one-handed mode, quick tap back, haptic linked audio effect, Android 12 updates via Google Play, App sleep, whole new emojis, improved auto-rotate and much more.

Instala Lineage OS 19 en Redmi Note 7 Pro

Como suxire o título, aquí compartimos os requisitos e os pasos para flashear Lineage OS 19.0 na variante Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro.

Antes de ir á guía, asegúrate de cumprir todos os requisitos a continuación.


Before we start with this procedure, I strongly recommend that you backup your device storage and all your files stored on your device. Moreover, it is recommended that you follow the steps mentioned in this post very carefully to avoid permanent damage or brick your device.

Cargue o teléfono

It is highly recommended that you charge your handset before unlocking the bootloader to avoid occasionally turning off your device in the process. Make sure to maintain at least 50% charge or more for smooth operation.

Descargar ADB e Fastboot Binaries

Podes omitir esta sección adb e fastboot se xa tes TWRP Recovery instalado no teu Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro.

Using the ADB and Fastboot (platform tools) command, you can boot your Android device into bootloader mode (download mode), making it easy to proceed with further steps. ADB (Android Debug Bridge) creates a connection or bridge between the device and the computer to sideload files.

While Fastboot is a more advanced command utility for Android devices that works with computers. You can download ADB and Fastboot Binaries (Platform-Tools).

Descarga controladores USB Xiaomi

A USB driver is a set of files that basically allow you to establish a successful and strong connection between a mobile device and a computer using a USB data cable. It is convenient to transfer files between the connected devices, flash files on the handset and more.

Tamén vale a pena sinalar que non só os dispositivos móbiles, senón tamén outros dispositivos externos poden usar e executar controladores USB nun Windows computer. Such as mouse, keyboard, printer, external hard drives, speakers, USB flash drives, etc. You can grab Xiaomi USB drivers here.

Desbloquea o cargador de arranque do teu teléfono:

Para gozar dunha ROM personalizada, primeiro debes desbloquear o cargador de arranque do teu Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro.

Instala TWRP Recovery:

You need to install TWRP Recovery on your phone to install a custom ROM on your device. After unlocking the bootloader, you can follow our guide to install TWRP Recovery on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro.

Descargar Lineage OS 19.0 ROM:

Aquí atoparás o Lineage OS 19 para Redmi Note 7 Pro.

Descargar Android 12 Gapps:

It’s worth noting that most third-party AOSP (Android Open Source Project) ROMs (aka aftermarket firmware) come without a pre-installed Google apps package. You can install the Android 12 GApps manually by following our guide.


Guidlings is not responsible for any problem that may happen to your device if you flash it to another device and block it. Do it at your own risk.

Instrucións para instalar:

  1. Conecte o dispositivo ao PC cun cable USB. Asegúrese de que a depuración USB estea activada.
  2. A continuación, vai ao cartafol de ferramentas da plataforma, escriba CMD na barra de enderezos e prema Intro. Isto lanzará o símbolo do sistema.
  3. Executa o seguinte comando na xanela CMD ou entra no modo de recuperación usando a combinación de botóns de volume e acendido. o teu dispositivo a TWRP Recovery:
    recuperación de reinicio adb
  4. Agora vai á sección Instalar e navega ata o vendedor e o firmware descargados. Pasa o dedo cara á dereita para que parpadea.Páxina de inicio de TWRP
  5. Se tamén queres Google Apps, neste caso terás que flashelo ti mesmo. Vai a Instalar, selecciona o ficheiro ZIP de GApps e pasa o dedo cara á dereita para flashear este ficheiro.
  6. Cando estea feito, podes reiniciar o teu dispositivo. Vaia a Reiniciar e seleccione Sistema.

Your device will now boot to the newly installed operating system. This concludes the guide on how to install Lineage OS 19 on Redmi Note 7 Pro. Keep in mind that the first boot may take some time and you may need to set up your device from scratch.

Max Reisler

Saúdos! Son Max, parte do noso equipo de eliminación de malware. A nosa misión é estar atentos ás ameazas de malware en evolución. A través do noso blog, mantente informado sobre os últimos perigos de malware e virus informáticos, dotándote das ferramentas para protexer os teus dispositivos. O teu apoio para difundir esta valiosa información nas redes sociais é inestimable no noso esforzo colectivo por protexer aos demais.

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