Regoli tal-privatezza

Din il-politika ta 'privatezza ġiet ikkumpilata biex taqdi aħjar lil dawk li huma mħassba dwar kif l-'Informazzjoni ta' Identifikazzjoni Personali 'tagħhom (PII) qed tintuża online. PII, kif deskritt fil-liġi tal-privatezza u s-sigurtà tal-informazzjoni tal-Istati Uniti u tal-UE, hija informazzjoni li tista 'tintuża waħedha jew ma' informazzjoni oħra biex tidentifika, tikkuntattja, jew issib persuna waħda, jew biex tidentifika individwu f'kuntest.

Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.

Kif nużaw l-informazzjoni tiegħek?

We may use the information when you surf our website or use certain other site features in the following ways:

  • Biex tippersonalizza l-esperjenza tiegħek u biex inkunu nistgħu nwasslu t-tip ta 'kontenut u l-offerti tal-prodott fejn inti l-aktar interessat.
  • Biex ittejjeb il-websajt tagħna sabiex isservi aħjar int.
  • To show personalized and non-personalized advertisements.

We only show personalized advertisements when you have accepted our advertising cookies. If you do not accept our advertisement cookies, non-personalized advertisements are shown, controlled by our implemented advertising plugin ‘WpAdvancedAds’.

How does protect your information?

Il-websajt tagħna hija scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. The website is protected by our hosting company. We use regular perform malware and virus scans on our website, provided by our hosting provider.

Your personal information is contained in secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
Aħna nimplimentaw varjetà ta 'miżuri ta' sigurtà meta utent jagħmel ordni jidħol, jissottometti, jew jaċċessa l-informazzjoni tagħhom biex iżomm is-sigurtà tal-informazzjoni personali tiegħek.
It-tranżazzjonijiet kollha huma pproċessati permezz ta 'fornitur ta' portal u mhumiex maħżuna jew ipproċessati fis-servers tagħna.

Despite these reasonable efforts to protect data on our servers, no method of transmission over the Internet is guaranteed to be secure. Therefore, while we strive to protect your personal data at all times, we cannot guarantee its absolute security and shall not be liable for any breach of security by an outside party.

Aħna nużaw il-cookies?

Iva. Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive through your Web browser (if you allow them) that enables the site’s or service provider’s systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information.

For instance, we use cookies to help us remember and process the items in your shopping cart. They are also used to help us understand your preferences based on previous or current site activity, which enables us to provide you with improved services. We also use cookies to help us compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future.

Aħna nużaw il-cookies biex:

  • Għinek tiftakar u tipproċessa l-oġġetti fil-karrettun tax-xiri.
  • Tifhem u ssalva l-preferenzi tal-utent għal żjarat futuri.
  • Żomm rekord ta 'reklami.
  • Ikkompilar dejta aggregata dwar it-traffiku tas-sit u l-interazzjonijiet tas-sit sabiex toffri esperjenzi u għodda ta 'sit aħjar fil-futur. Nistgħu nużaw ukoll servizzi ta 'partijiet terzi fdati li jsegwu din l-informazzjoni f'isem tagħna.

You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. You do this through your browser settings. Since the browser is a little different, look at your browser’s Help Menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies. More information can be found at

Jekk l-utenti jiskonnettjaw il-cookies fil-browser tagħhom:
If you turn cookies off, Some of the features that make your site experience more efficient may not function properly. Ads are non-personalized. Some of the features that make your site experience more efficient and may not function properly.

Żvelar minn parti terza

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise, transfer to outside parties your Personally Identifiable Information unless we provide users with advance notice. This does not include website hosting partners and other parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or serving our users, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release information when it’s release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others’ rights, property or safety.

Madankollu, informazzjoni ta 'viżitaturi mhux personalment identifikabbli tista' tiġi provduta lil partijiet oħra għal marketing, reklamar jew użi oħra.

Rabtiet ta 'partijiet terzi

Kultant, fid-diskrezzjoni tagħna, aħna jistgħu jinkludu jew noffru prodotti jew servizzi ta 'partijiet terzi fuq il-websajt tagħna. Dawn is-siti ta 'partijiet terzi għandhom politiki ta' privatezza separati u indipendenti. Għalhekk, m'għandna l-ebda responsabbiltà jew responsabbiltà għall-kontenut u l-attivitajiet ta 'dawn is-siti marbuta. Madankollu, aħna nfittxu li nipproteġu l-integrità tas-sit tagħna u nilqgħu kwalunkwe rispons dwar dawn is-siti.
We use third-party links from CleverBridge AG, use the following link for their Privacy Policy – and Impact Radius –


Ir-rekwiżiti ta 'reklamar ta' Google jistgħu jinġabru fil-qosor mill-Prinċipji ta 'Reklamar ta' Google. Huma stabbiliti biex jipprovdu esperjenza pożittiva għall-utenti.

We use Google AdSense Advertising for desktop, tablet, mobile, and AMP pages on our website.
Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our site. Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on previous visits to our site and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt-out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google Ad and Content Network Privacy policy.

Aħna implimentajna dan li ġej:
– DoubleClick Platform Integration

Aħna, flimkien ma 'bejjiegħa ta' partijiet terzi bħal Google jużaw cookies ta 'l-ewwel parti (bħal cookies Google Analytics) u cookies ta' partijiet terzi (bħal cookie DoubleClick) jew identifikaturi oħra ta 'terzi flimkien biex jiġbru data dwar interazzjonijiet ta' impressjonijiet ta 'l-ad u funzjonijiet oħra ta' servizz ta 'reklamar kif jirrelataw mal-websajt tagħna. Read here how Google uses information from sites and apps using their services.

Users can set preferences for how Google advertises to you using the Google Ad Settings page. Alternatively, you can opt-out by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative Opt-Out page or by using the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on.

L-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni ta 'Privatezza fuq l-Internet ta' California

CalOPPA is the first state law in the nation to require commercial websites and online services to post a privacy policy. The law’s reach stretches well beyond California to require any person or company in the United States (and conceivably the world) that operates websites collecting Personally Identifiable Information from California consumers to post a conspicuous privacy policy on its website stating exactly the information being collected and those individuals or companies with whom it is being shared. – More information at

Skont CalOPPA, naqblu ma 'dan li ġej:
L-utenti jistgħu jżuru s-sit tagħna b'mod anonimu.
Once this privacy policy is created, we will add a link to it on our homepage or at a minimum, on the first significant page after entering our website.
Il-link tal-Politika ta 'Privatezza tagħna jinkludi l-kelma' Privatezza 'u jista' jinstab faċilment fuq il-paġna speċifikata hawn fuq.

Int tkun innotifikat bi kwalunkwe bidliet fil-Politika ta 'Privatezza:
• Fuq il-Paġna tal-Politika ta 'Privatezza tagħna

Jista 'jibdel l-informazzjoni personali tiegħek:
• By emailing us

Kif is-sit tagħna jimmaniġġjaw is-sinjali Do Not Track?

We don’t honor Do Not Track signals, plant cookies, or use advertising when a Do Not Track (DNT) browser mechanism is in place. We don’t honor them because we have no specific features installed to conform to DNT signals.

Is-sit tagħna jippermetti traċċar fl-imġiba ta 'parti terza?
It’s also important to note that we allow third-party behavioral tracking.

COPPA (Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tat-Tfal Online Privatezza)

Meta niġu għall-ġbir ta ’informazzjoni personali minn tfal taħt it-13-il sena, l-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Privatezza onlajn tat-Tfal (COPPA) ipoġġi lill-ġenituri fil-kontroll. Il-Kummissjoni Federali tal-Kummerċ, l-aġenzija tal-Istati Uniti għall-protezzjoni tal-konsumatur, tinforza r-Regola COPPA, li tispjega x'għandhom jagħmlu l-operaturi ta 'websajts u servizzi online biex jipproteġu l-privatezza u s-sikurezza tat-tfal online.

Aħna ma speċifikament suq għal tfal taħt l-età ta '13 snin.


If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy or any questions in general, you may Ikkuntatjana by e-mail.

Updated: February 15, 2022.