Chotsani (Njira imodzi yosavuta) is a fake website. displays unwanted advertisements on a computer or cell phone. This website does this by abusing notification functionality in the browser to send sponsored ads.

What is is part of a spam campaign set up by online scammers. The website is promoted by advertising networks and, in this way, misleads users into allowing notifications to be sent through the browser.

On the site, a fake message is displayed “Click allow to confirm you are not a robot” or a similar deceiving message. This message looks like a legitimate captcha notification that does show up on several legitimate websites. However, in reality, it is a scam. It is a fake message designed by the spammer to trick users into allowing notifications through the browser.

After the user clicks the “allow” button at the top left of the pop-up window, permission is added to the browser settings for The domain can now send unwanted sponsored ads to the computer or phone. These are the ads you see on your device. It is pure deception, and more and more people are falling for this scam.

The unwanted pop-up ads that this website sends contain fake ads. These could be phony antivirus notifications, casino ads, or redirects to even more dangerous websites. The circles behind this website make money from every click of a user. This spam campaign, of which is a part, is only aimed at generating as many clicks as possible.

Suppose you have fallen victim to this scam. In that case, all you have to do is remove the permission for the domain from the notification settings in the browser. This is how to remove

Chotsani pulogalamu yaumbanda ndi Malwarebytes

Malwarebytes ndichida chofunikira polimbana ndi pulogalamu yaumbanda. Malwarebytes amatha kuchotsa mitundu yambiri yaumbanda yomwe mapulogalamu ena samaphonya, Malwarebyte samakuwonongerani chilichonse. Pankhani yoyeretsa kompyuta yomwe ili ndi kachilomboka, Malwarebyte amakhala omasuka nthawi zonse ndipo ndimalimbikitsa ngati chida chofunikira polimbana ndi pulogalamu yaumbanda.

Tsitsani Malwarebytes

Ikani Malwarebytes, tsatirani malangizo pazenera.

Dinani Scan kuyambitsa pulogalamu yaumbanda-scan.

Yembekezani Malwarebytes scan to finish. Once completed, review the adware detections.

Dinani Kugawika kuti tipitirize.

Yambani Windows pambuyo pazidziwitso zonse za adware zimasunthidwa kukhala kwaokha.

Remove from Google Chrome

  1. Tsegulani Google Chrome.
  2. Pakona yakumanja kumanja, onjezani menyu ya Chrome.
  3. Mu menyu ya Google Chrome, tsegulani Zosintha.
  4. pa Ubwino ndi Kutetezeka gawo, dinani Zokonzera malo.
  5. Tsegulani Zidziwitso mipangidwe.
  6. Chotsani by clicking the three dots on the right next to the URL and click Chotsani.

Remove from Android

  1. Tsegulani Google Chrome
  2. Pakona yakumanja kumanja, pezani menyu ya Chrome.
  3. Mu menyu tap Zikhazikiko, pitani mpaka zotsogola.
  4. Mu Makhalidwe a Site gawo, dinani fayilo ya Zidziwitso zosintha, pezani ankalamulira, ndikupeza pa izo.
  5. Dinani Woyera & Bwezerani batani ndi kutsimikizira.

Vuto lathetsedwa? Chonde mugawane tsamba ili, Zikomo kwambiri.

Remove from Firefox

  1. Tsegulani Firefox
  2. Pakona yakumanja kumanja, dinani Menyu ya Firefox (mikwingwirima itatu yopingasa).
  3. Mu menyu pitani ku Zosintha, pamndandanda kumanzere pitani Zachinsinsi & Chitetezo.
  4. Pendekera mpaka Zilolezo ndiyeno ku Zikhazikiko pafupi ndi Zidziwitso.
  5. Sankhani URL kuchokera pandandanda, ndikusintha mawonekedwe ake kukhala Dulani, sungani kusintha kwa Firefox.

Remove from Internet Explorer

  1. Tsegulani Internet Explorer.
  2. Pamwamba pakona yakumanja, dinani pa chizindikiro cha gear (batani la menyu).
  3. Pitani ku Mungasankhe Internet mu menyu.
  4. Dinani pa Tsamba lachinsinsi ndi kusankha Zikhazikiko mu gawo lotseka la pop-up.
  5. Pezani URL ndikudina batani Chotsani kuti muchotse.

Remove from Edge

  1. Tsegulani Microsoft Edge.
  2. Pamakona akumanja akumanja, dinani madontho atatu kuti mukulitse Zosankha zam'mbali.
  3. Pendekera mpaka Zikhazikiko, pendekera mpaka ku Zaka Zapamwamba
  4. Mu Gawo lazidziwitso pitani Sinthani.
  5. Dinani kuti mulepheretse kusinthana kwa Ulalo.

Remove from Safari on Mac

  1. Tsegulani Safari. Pamwamba pakona yakumanzere, dinani Safari.
  2. Pitani ku Sankhani Izi mu menyu ya Safari, tsegulani fayilo ya Websites tabu.
  3. Kumanzere kumanja dinani Zidziwitso
  4. Pezani ankalamulira ndi kusankha izo, dinani Dyani batani.

Mukufuna thandizo? Funsani funso lanu mu ndemanga, ndabwera kuti ndikuthandizeni pamavuto anu aumbanda.

Max Reisler

Moni! Ndine Max, m'gulu lathu lochotsa pulogalamu yaumbanda. Cholinga chathu ndikukhala tcheru kuti tipewe ziwopsezo za pulogalamu yaumbanda. Kudzera pabulogu yathu, timakudziwitsani za zoopsa zaposachedwa kwambiri za pulogalamu yaumbanda ndi ma virus apakompyuta, kukupatsani zida zotetezera zida zanu. Thandizo lanu pofalitsa uthenga wofunikawu m'malo ochezera a pa Intaneti ndi lofunika kwambiri pakuyesetsa kwathu kuteteza ena.

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