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Rekodha odhiyo neiyo Voice Recorder app mukati Windows 10

Iyo yakavakirwa-mukati izwi rekodhi app mukati Windows 10 allows you to record audio through your microphone. Here’s how to configure and use Voice Recorder in Windows 10.

Windows 10 comes with a lot of built-in apps, some useful and some not so much. Voice Recorder app is one such handy app that allows you to record audio through any connected microphone. One of the best things about this app is that it is very easy to use thanks to its simple user interface and no-nonsense features. In fact, compared to other voice recorder applications that require complicated installation and compatibility with different microphones and the like, the built-in Windows 10 app iri nyore kwazvo maererano nemaitiro.

Chero bedzi zvido zvako zvekurekodha zviri nyore uye iwe haudi chero chinhu chakanakisa, iyo Voice Recorder app in Windows 10 is a pretty good choice to record audio. This is especially true if you’ve never recorded audio with a voice recorder app and are just getting started.

Mune izvi nekukurumidza uye nyore Windows 10 gwara, ini ndinokuratidza maitiro ekurekodha odhiyo mukati Windows 10 uchishandisa yakavakirwa-mukati Voice Recorder app.

Rekodha odhiyo nezwi rekodhi app

1. First make sure you have a microphone connected to your computer. If you are using a laptop, you can use the built-in microphone or an external microphone.

2. Wobva wavhura iyo Start menyu nekudzvanya iyo kutanga of Windows on your keyboard. In the Start menu, search for Voice Recorder uye uvhure.

3. Mushure mekuvhura iyo app, tinya pane Microphone. Once you do that, the app will start recording audio through the microphone.

4. Kana wapedza kurekodha, tinya pa mira kumira kurekodha.

5. Kana ukangomira kurekodha, faira ichave yakachengetedzwa uye inoratidzwa muApp Recorder app.

6. Kuridza odhiyo yakarekodhwa, sarudza faira riri pakati pepakati uye wobva wadzvanya bhatani reKuridza mupaneru yekurudyi.

Tonga zvakarekodhwa muIzwi Rekodhi app

By default, the Voice Recorder app uses default names such as Recording, Recording (2), Recording (3), etc. If you have multiple recordings, these default names can be a bit confusing to identify. In those cases, you can simply rename the recording files to better organize them. To do that, right-click on the recording in the middle panel and select the Danazve. Then type the new name and press Enter.

Iyo yakasarudzika yekuchengetedza nzvimbo yeakarekodhwa maodhiyo mafaira ndeye C: UsersUsernameDocumentsSound rekodhi. To replace Username mune folda nzira neyako chaiyo Windows 10 username. You can also right click on the recording file in the voice recorder app and select the Vhura nzvimbo yefaira kuivhura muFaira Explorer.

The recording app also includes a basic cropping tool. By using it, you can remove the unnecessary beginning and end parts of the audio file. To do that, select the recording file in the middle panel and click the Trim mubhawa rezasi.

Wobva washandisa masiraidhi ekutanga uye ekupedzisira kuseta mapoinzi akachekwa uye worova bhatani rekuchengetedza.

You can update the original file or save a copy of the edited file. In my case, I chose to update the original file. If you don’t want to mess with the original file, select the Chengeta kopi.

Finally, you can delete the recordings from the app. To do that, right click on the recording file in the middle panel and select the Kudzima. If you see a confirmation dialog, click the Ehe ramba uchienda.


That’s all. It’s that easy to record audio with the Voice Recorder app in Windows 10.

I hope that helps. If you’re stuck or need help, comment below and I’ll try to help as much as I can.

Max Reisler

Kwaziwai! Ndini Max, chikamu chechikwata chedu chekubvisa malware. Basa redu nderekuramba takasvinura kubva mukusandura kutyisidzira kwemalware. Kuburikidza neBlog yedu, tinokuchengeta uchiziva nezvenjodzi dzemarware uye hutachiona hwekombuta, tichikupa zvishandiso zvekuchengetedza zvishandiso zvako. Tsigiro yako mukuparadzira ruzivo urwu rwakakosha pasocial media yakakosha mukuedza kwedu pamwe chete kuchengetedza vamwe.

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