Remove – 1 Simple Step is a fake website. The website tries to trick you into clicking on ads displayed by the website. Ads shown by vary and are based on your virtual location. The location is based on the IP address of your computer. Thus, you will see ads in your language.

It is essential to check your computer for malware if you constantly see pop-ups from abuses the notification functionality in your browser to display unwanted ads. Notifications are actually meant to provide users with information about the latest news etc. Cybercriminals use this notification functionality through your web browser to show intrusive ads.

The content of the ads sent by often contains fake virus notifications or adult-related ads. If you click on the ads sent by then the web browser is redirected to even more malicious websites. These websites vary but are usually related to malware.

In this removal guide, you will, first of all, find information on how to restore the notification functionality in the browser.

You will see instructions for different devices and browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Microsoft Edge to remove from browser settings.

After restoring the notification functionality in the browser, you should check your computer for malware. Because the website redirects you through websites that contain malware, your computer may have become infected with a computer virus.

If you have a mobile-based Android or iOS device, you should remove only the notification settings from your phone or tablet. After that, you can continue what you were doing. Mobile or tablet devices are often not infected with malware, but a computer is.

Upami anjeun ningali iklan anu henteu dihoyongkeun dina komputer anjeun sering, atanapi halaman utama browser wéb standar anjeun dibajak, parios komputer pikeun malware.

Cybercriminals who control the website also use rogue browser extensions and other unwanted software to redirect users like you to the website. Thus, the website is dangerous, and you should avoid this website at all costs. When you have been redirected to the website without knowing why, check your computer for malware. There may be adware installed on your computer that redirects the browser to similar websites like

If you need help, please ask your question at the bottom of this article, and I will help you get rid of

Remove pop-up ads

Remove notifications from Google Chrome

  1. Buka Google Chrome.
  2. Di pojok kanan luhur, dilegakeun ménu Chrome.
  3. Dina menu Google Chrome, buka Setélan.
  4. dina Privasi sarta Kaamanan bagian, klik Setélan loka.
  5. buka bewara Setelan.
  6. mindahkeun by clicking the three dots on the right next to the URL and click mindahkeun.

Remove notifications from Android

  1. Buka Google Chrome
  2. Di pojok kanan luhur, mendakan ménu Chrome.
  3. Dina ménu tap setélan, gulung ka handap ka maju.
  4. dina Setélan Loka bagian, ketok bewara setélan, mendakan domain, teras ketok dina éta.
  5. ketok Bersih & Reset tombol sareng mastikeun.

Masalah direngsekeun? Punten bagikeun halaman ieu, Hatur Nuhun.

Remove notifications from Firefox

  1. Buka Firefox
  2. Di pojok kanan luhur, pencét éta Ménu Firefox (tilu garis horizontal).
  3. Dina ménu buka pilihan, dina daptar di kénca ka Privasi & Kaamanan.
  4. Gulung ka handap pikeun idin lajeng kana setélan disapalih Bewara.
  5. pilih URL tina daptar, sareng ngarobih status janten Blok, simpen parobihan Firefox.

Remove notifications from Internet Explorer

  1. Buka Internet Explorer.
  2. Di pojok kanan luhur, pencét dina ikon roda gigi (tombol ménu).
  3. Pindah ka Internet Pilihan dina menu.
  4. Klik dina Tab karusiahan tur pilih setélan dina bagian blokir pop-up.
  5. néangan URL teras pencét tombol Hapus pikeun ngaleungitkeun domain.

Remove notifications from Edge

  1. Buka Microsoft Edge.
  2. Di pojok kanan luhur, pencét dina tilu titik pikeun ngalegaan Ménu ujung.
  3. Gulung ka handap pikeun setélan, gulung langkung handap ka Setélan canggih
  4. dina Bagéan béwara malik ngurus.
  5. Pencét pikeun Pareuman tombol pikeun URL.

Remove notifications from Safari on Mac

  1. Buka Safari. Di belah kénca luhur, pencét dina Safari.
  2. Pindah ka Tanya dina ménu Safari, ayeuna buka situs web tab.
  3. Dina menu kénca pencét dina bewara
  4. néangan domain sareng pilih na, klik dina nyangkal tombol.

Pariksa-dua kali pikeun malware sareng Malwarebytes

Malwarebytes mangrupikeun alat penting dina merangan malware. Malwarebytes tiasa ngaleungitkeun seueur jinis malware anu sering ditingali ku parangkat lunak sanés, Malwarebytes ngarugikeun anjeun nanaon pisan. Nalika ngeunaan meresihan komputer anu kainféksi, Malwarebytes parantos gratis sareng kuring nyarankeun salaku alat penting dina perang ngalawan malware.

Unduh Malwarebytes

Pasang Malwarebytes, turutan pitunjuk dina layar.

Klik Scan ngamimitian malware-scan.

Ngantosan Malwarebytes scan to finish. Once completed, review the adware detections.

Klik Kuartin neruskeun.

reboot Windows sanggeus kabeh deteksi adware dipindahkeun ka karantina.

Peryogi bantosan? Tanya patarosan anjeun dina koméntar, kuring di dieu pikeun ngabantosan anjeun pikeun masalah malware anjeun.

Max Reisler

salam wanoh! Abdi Max, bagian tina tim panyabutan malware kami. Misi kami nyaéta tetep waspada ngalawan ancaman malware anu ngembang. Ngaliwatan blog kami, kami tetep anjeun diropéa ngeunaan bahaya malware sareng virus komputer panganyarna, ngalengkepan anjeun alat pikeun ngajagaan alat anjeun. Pangrojong anjeun dina nyebarkeun inpormasi anu berharga ieu dina média sosial teu ternilai dina usaha koléktif urang pikeun ngajagaan batur.

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