Hapus Yfetyg.com (Komputer + Telepon)

Are you receiving unwanted notifications from Yfetyg.com? Notifications from Yfetyg.com may appear on your computer, phone, or tablet. The Yfetyg.com website is a fake website that tries to convince users to click on the allow button in the web browser.

If you have accepted notifications from Yfetyg.com by clicking the allow button, then you have been misled. Cybercriminals set up several of these fake websites every day to deceive users. Anyone who has accepted notifications from Yfetyg.com allows ads to be displayed on Windows, Mac, atawa alat Android.

The notifications sent by Yfetyg.com consist of misleading texts such as a fake virus notification, ads related to content suitable only for adults, or notifications claiming that your computer is infected with a virus.

If you click on one of the unwanted ads that Yfetyg.com sends, the browser is redirected via ad networks. It is these ads that make money per click for the cybercriminals. Therefore, it is recommended to check your computer for malware if you see ads from Yfetyg.com.

Unwanted ads that Yfetyg.com sends redirect the browser to websites that recommend adware and other malware to the user. These include ads that offer browser extensions and unwanted software such as a toolbar or a browser hijacker. The software provided by unwanted pop-ups from Yfetyg.com is known as malware. It collects information about your surfing behavior on the Internet, such as what websites you visit, what searches you perform through Google, Bing, or Yahoo your browser settings. This tracking data is eventually sold to malicious advertising networks.

By following the steps in this article, you can remove Yfetyg.com unwanted ads from your browser and check your computer for malware.

How do I remove Yfetyg.com?

Google Chrome

  • Buka Google Chrome.
  • Pencét kana tombol ménu Chrome di pojok katuhu luhur.
  • Pencét dina Setélan.
  • Pencét Privasi sareng Kaamanan.
  • Klik Setélan situs.
  • Klik Bewara.
  • Click on the Remove button next to Yfetyg.com.

Nonaktipkeun bewara dina Google Chrome

  • Buka browser Chrome.
  • Pencét kana tombol ménu Chrome di pojok katuhu luhur.
  • Pencét dina Setélan.
  • Pencét Privasi sareng kaamanan.
  • Klik Setélan situs.
  • Klik Bewara.
  • Pencét "Ulah ngantepkeun situs ngirim béwara" pikeun nganonaktipkeun béwara.


  • Buka Google Chrome
  • Ketok dina tombol ménu Chrome.
  • Ketok dina Setélan tur gulung ka handap ka setélan Advanced.
  • Tap on the Site Settings section, tap the Notifications settings, find the Yfetyg.com domain, and tap on it.
  • Ketok tombol Beresih & Reset.

Masalah direngsekeun? Punten bagikeun halaman ieu, Hatur Nuhun.


  • Buka Firefox
  • Pencét kana tombol ménu Firefox.
  • Pencét kana Pilihan.
  • Pencét Privasi & Kaamanan.
  • Klik Idin lajeng ka Setélan gigireun Bewara.
  • Click on the Yfetyg.com URL and change the status to Block.

Internet Explorer

  • Buka Internet Explorer.
  • Di pojok katuhu luhur, klik dina ikon gear (tombol menu).
  • Pindah ka Pilihan Internét dina ménu.
  • Pencét tab Privasi sareng pilih Setélan dina bagian pameungpeuk pop-up.
  • Find the Yfetyg.com URL and click the Remove button to remove the domain.

Microsoft Tepi

  • Buka Tepi Microsoft.
  • Pencét kana tombol ménu Edge.
  • Pencét kana setélan.
  • Pencét Cookies sareng idin situs.
  • Klik Bewara.
  • Click on the “more” button right next to the Yfetyg.com URL.
  • Pencét Cabut.

Nonaktipkeun bewara dina Microsoft Edge

  • Buka Tepi Microsoft.
  • Pencét kana tombol ménu Edge.
  • Pencét kana setélan.
  • Pencét Cookies sareng idin situs.
  • Klik Bewara.
  • Pareuman saklar "Tanya sateuacan ngirim (disarankeun)".


  • Buka Safari.
  • Klik dina ménu dina Préferénsi.
  • Klik dina tab ramatloka.
  • Dina menu kénca klik Bewara
  • Find the Yfetyg.com domain and select it, click the Deny button.
Max Reisler

salam wanoh! Abdi Max, bagian tina tim panyabutan malware kami. Misi kami nyaéta tetep waspada ngalawan ancaman malware anu ngembang. Ngaliwatan blog kami, kami tetep anjeun diropéa ngeunaan bahaya malware sareng virus komputer panganyarna, ngalengkepan anjeun alat pikeun ngajagaan alat anjeun. Pangrojong anjeun dina nyebarkeun inpormasi anu berharga ieu dina média sosial teu ternilai dina usaha koléktif urang pikeun ngajagaan batur.

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