Susa – Isinyathelo Esi-1 Esilula is a fake website. The website tries to trick you into clicking on ads displayed by the website. Ads shown by vary and are based on your virtual location. The location is based on the IP address of your computer. Thus, you will see ads in your language.

It is essential to check your computer for malware if you constantly see pop-ups from abuses the notification functionality in your browser to display unwanted ads. Notifications are actually meant to provide users with information about the latest news etc. Cybercriminals use this notification functionality through your web browser to show intrusive ads.

The content of the ads sent by often contains fake virus notifications or adult-related ads. If you click on the ads sent by then the web browser is redirected to even more malicious websites. These websites vary but are usually related to malware.

In this removal guide, you will, first of all, find information on how to restore the notification functionality in the browser.

You will see instructions for different devices and browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Microsoft Edge to remove from browser settings.

After restoring the notification functionality in the browser, you should check your computer for malware. Because the website redirects you through websites that contain malware, your computer may have become infected with a computer virus.

If you have a mobile-based Android or iOS device, you should remove only the notification settings from your phone or tablet. After that, you can continue what you were doing. Mobile or tablet devices are often not infected with malware, but a computer is.

Uma ubona izikhangiso ezingafuneki kukhompyutha yakho kaningi, noma ikhasi lasekhaya lesiphequluli sakho sewebhu esizenzakalelayo liduniwe, hlola ikhompyutha yakho ukuthola i-malware.

Cybercriminals who control the website also use rogue browser extensions and other unwanted software to redirect users like you to the website. Thus, the website is dangerous, and you should avoid this website at all costs. When you have been redirected to the website without knowing why, check your computer for malware. There may be adware installed on your computer that redirects the browser to similar websites like

If you need help, please ask your question at the bottom of this article, and I will help you get rid of

Remove pop-up ads

Remove notifications from Google Chrome

  1. Vula i-Google Chrome.
  2. Ekhoneni eliphezulu kwesokudla, nweba imenyu ye-Chrome.
  3. Kumenyu ye-Google Chrome, vula Izilungiselelo.
  4. Ngesikhathi Ubumfihlo nokuphepha isigaba, chofoza Izilungiselelo zesayithi.
  5. Vula Izaziso izilungiselelo.
  6. Susa by clicking the three dots on the right next to the URL and click Susa.

Remove notifications from Android

  1. Vula i-Google Chrome
  2. Ekhoneni eliphezulu kwesokudla, thola imenyu ye-Chrome.
  3. Kuthepha lemenyu Amasethingi, skrolela phansi ku Advanced.
  4. In the Izilungiselelo ZeSayithi isigaba, thepha i- Izaziso izilungiselelo, thola i- isizinda, bese uthepha kuso.
  5. Thepha Hlanza & Setha kabusha inkinobho bese uqinisekisa.

Inkinga ixazululiwe? Sicela wabelane ngaleli khasi, Ngiyabonga kakhulu.

Remove notifications from Firefox

  1. Vula i-Firefox
  2. Ekhoneni eliphezulu kwesokudla, chofoza inkinobho ethi Imenyu yeFirefox (imivimbo emithathu evundlile).
  3. Kumenyu iya ku- Izinketho, ohlwini olungakwesobunxele iya ku- Ubumfihlo Nokuvikeleka.
  4. Skrolela phansi Izimvume bese uya Amasethingi eduze ne Izaziso.
  5. Khetha URL kusuka kuhlu, bese ushintshe isimo sibe yi- Block, gcina izinguquko zeFirefox.

Remove notifications from Internet Explorer

  1. Vula i-Internet Explorer.
  2. Ekhoneni eliphezulu kwesokudla, chofoza ku- isithonjana segiya (inkinobho yemenyu).
  3. Iya ku Izinketho Internet kwimenyu.
  4. Chofoza on the Ithebhu yobumfihlo Bese ukhetha Amasethingi esigabeni se-pop-up blockers.
  5. Thola I-URL bese uchofoza inkinobho Susa ukususa isizinda.

Remove notifications from Edge

  1. Vula i-Microsoft Edge.
  2. Ekhoneni eliphezulu kwesokudla, chofoza amachashazi amathathu ukunweba ifayela le- Imenyu ye-Edge.
  3. Skrolela phansi Amasethingi, skrolela phambili phansi uye ku- Izilungiselelo ezithuthukile
  4. In the Isigaba sesaziso ukuchofoza Lawula.
  5. Chofoza ukuze Khubaza inkinobho yokuvula ye- I-URL.

Remove notifications from Safari on Mac

  1. Vula i-Safari. Ekhoneni eliphezulu kwesokunxele, chofoza ku safari.
  2. Iya ku Okuncamelayo kumenyu yeSafari, manje vula ifayela le- Amawebhusayithi ithebhu.
  3. Kumenyu engakwesokunxele chofoza ku Izaziso
  4. Thola bese ukhetha it, chofoza Yeka inkinobho.

Phinda uhlole i-malware ngama-Malwarebyte

Ama-Malwarebyte iyithuluzi elibalulekile ekulweni ne-malware. Ama-Malwarebyte akwazi ukususa izinhlobo eziningi ze-malware enye i-software evame ukuyigeja, Ama-Malwarebyte akubizi lutho ngalutho. Uma kukhulunywa ngokuhlanza ikhompyutha enegciwane, ama-Malwarebyte abelokhu ekhululekile futhi ngiyincoma njengethuluzi elibalulekile empini yokulwa ne-malware.

Landa ama-Malwarebyte

Faka ama-Malwarebyte, Landela imiyalo esesikrinini.

Chofoza Scan ukuqala i-malware-scan.

Linda ama-Malwarebyte scan to finish. Once completed, review the adware detections.

Chofoza Ukuhlukaniswa ukuqhubeka.

Qala kabusha Windows ngemuva kwakho konke ukutholwa kwe-adware kuthuthelwa ku-quarantine.

Dinga usizo? Buza umbuzo wakho kumazwana, ngilapha ukukusiza ngenkinga yakho ye-malware.

UMax Reisler

Sanibonani! Ngingu-Max, ingxenye yethimba lethu lokususa uhlelo olungayilungele ikhompuyutha. Umgomo wethu ukuhlala siqaphile ukuze sigweme izinsongo zohlelo olungayilungele ikhompuyutha. Ngebhulogi yethu, sikugcina unolwazi ngezingozi zakamuva zohlelo olungayilungele ikhompuyutha kanye negciwane lekhompyutha, likuhlomisa ngamathuluzi okuvikela idivayisi yakho. Ukusekela kwakho ekusakazeni lolu lwazi olubalulekile kuyo yonke inkundla yezokuxhumana kubaluleke kakhulu emzamweni wethu ohlangene wokuvikela abanye.

Okuthunyelwe kwakamuva

Susa (inkomba yokususa igciwane)

Abantu abaningi babika ukuthi babhekene nezinkinga ngewebhusayithi ebizwa Le webhusayithi ikhohlisa abasebenzisi ukuthi...

16 amaminithi adlule

Susa (inkomba yokususa igciwane)

Abantu abaningi babika ukuthi babhekene nezinkinga ngewebhusayithi ebizwa Le webhusayithi ikhohlisa abasebenzisi ukuthi...

17 amaminithi adlule

Susa (inkomba yokususa igciwane)

Abantu abaningi babika ukuthi babhekene nezinkinga ngewebhusayithi ebizwa ngokuthi Le webhusayithi ikhohlisa abasebenzisi ukuthi...

17 amaminithi adlule

Susa (inkomba yokususa igciwane)

Abantu abaningi babika ukuthi babhekene nezinkinga ngewebhusayithi ebizwa ngokuthi Le webhusayithi ikhohlisa abasebenzisi ukuthi...

17 amaminithi adlule

Susa (inkomba yokususa igciwane)

Abantu abaningi babika ukuthi babhekene nezinkinga ngewebhusayithi ebizwa ngokuthi Le webhusayithi ikhohlisa abasebenzisi ukuthi...

amahora 19 edlule

Susa (inkomba yokususa amagciwane)

Abantu abaningi babika bebhekene nezinkinga ngewebhusayithi ebizwa ngokuthi Le webhusayithi ikhohlisa abasebenzisi ukuthi...

amahora 19 edlule