The rumor mill for Ryzen 7000 is spinning, as two rumors have come out about AMD’s upcoming processor lineup. For example, Zen 4’s global sales date could fall on September 15. This is based on a photo taken of a slide during a presentation in China, which shows the mentioned date.

It is possible that this was an internal presentation, intended for parties such as manufacturers. So it is not unlikely that September 15th is the actual release date, or sale date of Ryzen 7000. It’s at least two months earlier in the year than Zen 3 did launch in 2020, so AMD seems to be pretty much on track for this launch in that sense.

Ryzen 7000 sale date and lineup may be known 2

Lineup at release

A more interesting rumor is the actual lineup of Ryzen 7000. According to a tweet from well-known tasty Greymon55, we should expect the 7600X, 7800X, 7900X and 7950X. It is striking that the 7700X may be missing, just as the 5700X was missing from Zen 3.

This could again mean that the Ryzen 5 7600X will be the best choice for gamers, where thread lovers are more likely to opt for the Ryzen 9 7900X. Furthermore, it also lacks non-X variants of the processors, although AMD will undoubtedly keep these on hand.
7950X7900X7800X7600X7700X is still not in the first lineup.

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Last Update: July 20, 2022