‘Collaboration between business and IT yields a lot’

When the business and IT side within companies really work well together, this can be very rewarding. This is the main conclusion from a recent survey by PwC consultants.

It is generally known that collaboration between business and IT can yield much more for companies. Nevertheless, it is useful to repeat this every now and then, the researchers at PwC must have thought.

According to the recent research At a management level in particular, it is very important that those responsible for both the business side of the company, as well as the technology or IT side are aligned. This makes it easier to achieve certain common goals. This includes being able to adapt to the rapidly changing market and carrying out activities faster and more efficiently.

Digital IQ Leaders

PwC calls the managers who are aligned with each other so-called ‘Digital IQ leaders’. About a fifth of the 1,000+ respondents can be seen as a Digital IQ leader. According to the consultants, these specific managers are more likely to invest in technology that can achieve their goals faster.

This includes investments in cloud technology, business applications, infrastructure and development platforms. This type of managers are also often interested in applying various technological solutions to automate the various processes. The latter gives them the opportunity to operate faster and to spend more time on things that yield more value and to focus more on insights.

Ultimately, this leads to better financial performance for the companies concerned. These companies are also more innovative and know how to increase their productivity.

Three core conditions

PwC naturally comes up with advice on how Digital IQ managers can achieve all these achievements even better and thus make their companies more profitable, innovative and above all productive. To do this, managers must meet three core conditions.

First and foremost, they need to involve the entire company in the digital strategy. To achieve the goals they have to get everyone on the same page. This also means that they must involve the security and risk specialists in their (digital) plans from the very beginning. Security, compliance and governance must thus be fully ingrained in the transition process to the cloud. This stimulates trust among the end customers.

In addition, the Digital IQ managers must involve the entire ecosystem in their digital transition process. So also the entire process between users themselves, between supplier and users, between supplier and partner and between partners themselves. Scaling up the digital transition is therefore very important.

Finally, Digital IQ managers must develop a value story for the cloud strategy to be adopted. As a result, stakeholders are better convinced and gain more confidence. This also means companies need to make specific choices about how cloud technology can help them achieve their goals, what digital technology capabilities it will develop, what customer problems it will solve and what role the company will play within the business sector and related ecosystems. .

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