Twitter’s web version has become inaccessible to non-logged-in users since last Friday. The platform now prompts readers to log in, redirecting those who choose not to log in to the homepage. Previously, the platform had already limited the search function for non-logged-in visitors.

Users are greeted with a full-screen login prompt when navigating to tweet URLs or Twitter accounts without an account. This message can be dismissed, but the browser redirects to Twitter’s homepage. It is also impossible to access other Twitter pages, such as the Explore feed, without a logged-in account.

Multiple users have reported to Tweakers that this change was implemented overnight from Thursday to Friday. Previously, the platform’s web version could still be used without an account, although the search function was blocked in April. It is not uncommon for social media platforms to restrict access for non-logged-in users to encourage them to create an account.

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Last Update: June 30, 2023