How to use Zemana to remove malware

Zemana antivirus is a cloud scanner. A cloud scanner is a program that does not download the malware antivirus definitions to the computer but sends the file being scanned for viruses to a remote server.

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Remove ransomware with this free tool

Ransomware is a significant problem today for private computer users but also large companies. This is because more and more cybercriminals are developing software that encrypts files on your computer. This software is often for sale as a ready-made package on websites that are often visited by cybercriminals. Ransomware is, therefore, a significant problem.

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What to do when ransomware infected your PC

Ransomware is a type of malware, or malicious software, that blocks a computer or encrypts files. Only when you pay a ransom (ransom) would you be able to use the computer or files again. Other terms for ransomware are cryptoware or hostage software.

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How do I know if my computer is infected with malware?

Have you noticed that your PC is a bit slow lately or that some strange processes are active in the background? Then you may have fallen victim to malware. But the signs are not always clear. That’s why I give five ways to check if you have become a victim of the malware.

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How to recover files after ransomware virus

More and more computers are infected by ransomware. Every day there are new victims whose computer data is encrypted by ransomware. These are more and more private individuals but also large companies. If ransomware has encrypted the computer data, an amount of money is requested in virtual cryptocurrency.

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Remove POP-UP advertisements in Google Chrome

When you visit internet websites, you will not escape pop-ups, i.e., ads that appear in a new window of the Chrome browser. Advertisements on the Internet are typical and are used to provide website operators with revenue for the costs they incur for the website.

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How can I see if my computer has been hacked?

I am often referred to as a “hacked” computer when there is a malware infection or when abnormal behavior of the computer is noticeable such as strange activities, a slowed-down computer, and continuous rattling of the hard disk or high CPU usage which is not directly explainable.

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