Total Mac Fixer is Mac adware. Total Mac Fixer is a dangerous tool to clean and optimize your Mac, according to the website.

Total Mac Fixer is regularly offered on the internet bundled with other free software you can download from the internet. Users are most likely not aware when they install software downloaded from the internet the Total Mac Fixer adware is also installed on their Mac.

The data collected by Total Mac Fixer is used for advertising purposes. The data is sold to advertising networks. Because Total Mac Fixer collects data from your browser, Total Mac Fixer is also classified as (PUP) Potentially Unwanted Program.

Total Mac Fixer adware will install itself in the Mac OS X. Neither Apple of any browser developer yet notices Total Mac Fixer as dangerous.

Remove Total Mac Fixer

Total Mac Fixer

Total Mac Fixer website advertisement.

Before we start you need to remove an administrator profile from your Mac settings. The administrator profile prevents Mac users from uninstalling Total Mac Fixer from your Mac computer.

  • In the top left corner click on the Apple icon.
  • Open Settings from the menu.
  • Click on Profiles
  • Remove the profiles: AdminPref, Chrome profile, or Safari profile by clicking the – (minus) in the bottom left corner.

Remove Total Mac Fixer – Malwarebytes (Mac OS X)

Download Malwarebytes (Mac)

Click the Scan button to start a search for the Total Mac Fixer malware. (Trust me, Malwarebytes works and it’s free to use)

When Malwarebytes is done, restart your Mac computer.

malwarebytes mac osx

I hope this helped you get rid of Total Mac Fixer on Mac. Need help? Use the comments below!

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Adware removal instructions,

Last Update: April 5, 2023